

每個人都曾經是初學者,我們都是從某個起點開始,所以這是個很好的理由讓我們在練習中不去自我批判。傾聽身體的聲音,在瑜珈中非常親密地去了解你的身體,聆聽身體給你的線索並且尊敬它是非常重要的。相信自己,瑜珈教導你相信自己嘗試具有挑戰的體式並考驗自己的平衡和穩定度。冒個險嘗試新動作! 即便有些動作看似困難或完全超乎你能做的範圍,無論如何請冒險嘗試一下,最糟的情況會是如何 ? 瑜珈沒有盡頭,你也不會在瑜珈中達到”完美”,這裡沒有結束總是有持續的空間。呼吸,瑜珈中最重要的部分之一是記得呼吸,讓呼吸引導你通過充滿挑戰的體式。常常聽到老師叮嚀學生 "回到你的呼吸上" ,而即便我已離開課堂,也經常提醒自己。你不需要柔軟才能做瑜珈,打破迷思 ! 你確實不用柔軟才能做瑜珈,只要有一個開放的心胸,過了一段時日,你的身體自然就變柔軟了。如需要的話就休息,每個人在練習中處在不同的位置,如果你需要休息一下,就去吧 ! 這是生命中多美好的提醒啊 ,休息是非常重要的 !


I would like to share students,

Everyone was once a beginner. We all start somewhere. Another good reason not to judge ourselves in our practice. Listen to your body. In yoga, you get to know your body very intimately. It's important to listen to the cues your body gives you and to honor that. Trust yourself. Yoga teaches you to trust yourself to try challenging poses and test your balance and stability. Take risks. Try a new pose! Even if it seems difficult or completely out of the realm of what you can do, take a risk and try it anyway. What's the worst that can happen? Yoga has no end. You will never be PERFECT at yoga. There is no end and there is always room for continuous. Breathe. The most important part of yoga is remembering to breathe and to let your breath guide you through challenging poses. Teachers often urge yoga students to, “come back to your breath” and it's a reminder I try to carry with me even outside of class. You don't have to be flexible to do yoga. Contrary to popular belief, you DO NOT need to be flexible to do yoga. You simply need to have an open mind and heart. Over time, you will naturally become more flexible. Rest when you need to. Everyone is at different places in their practice. If you need to take a moment to rest, go ahead and do so. What a beautiful reminder for our lives, as well. Rest is incredibly important.

Thank you
ॐ शान्ति

Adesh Chandra老師


Hatha Yoga 哈達瑜珈

Flow Yoga 流動瑜珈

Alignment 瑜珈正位

Yoga Therapy 療癒瑜珈

Meditation 冥想

Pranayama 生命能量呼吸法

Chanting(Mantra) 梵唱


2009-2010 於Prakash Yog Sewa Trust 練習師從Yogi Bhddhi Prakash
2011-2012 瑜珈學士,(北阿坎德邦--梵文大學)
2013 印度國際瑜珈協會(YTTC)國際師資200小時認證教師
2014-2016 阿闍梨瑜珈碩士,(北阿坎德邦--梵文大學)

Start the yoga journey at age 15. Teaching yoga for 9 years.
2012- 2015 Taught in Rishikesh
2011- 2013 Bachelor of Arts in Yoga, Uttarakhand Sanskrit University
2013 Teacher Training Course (TTC)200hours, Yoga Alliance International Yoga (YAI)
2014-2016 Acharya (Master of Arts),Uttarakhand sanskrit university
2016-2017 taught in China.


Adesh 生於 ”世界瑜珈之都” 瑞詩凱詩(Rishikesh)。自少年起學習正統瑜珈即展現了過人的天賦,在瑜珈大師 Yogi Bhddhi Prakash 的薰陶下,一路接受瑜珈正規教育並於北阿坎德邦--梵文大學取得瑜珈碩士學位,Adesh 結合天賦、傳統與正規的瑜珈訓練,在教學之中每每以獨到的見解,傳遞出完整的瑜珈意義。有時候我們可能會在瑜珈裡迷失,不知道子自己在瑜珈裡真正需要的是什麼,但Adesh 老師總能細膩的注意到每位練習者真正的需要 !

Adesh is born in Rishikesh which known as the "Yoga Capital of the World". He began his yoga journey at a young age. Guided by great Yogi Bhddhi Prakash and Gurudev Arvind, Adesh has inherited solid background of traditional yoga. He can always portray the complete meaning of yoga with his unique insights. Sometimes we might feel lost and can't recognize what we truly need in Yoga. However, considerately, Adesh always sees your need and you will never be left behind.