
你要如何選擇你的靈氣老師? How u will select your Reiki teacher?

Posted on 2016-05-13

How u will select your Reiki teacher? 你要如何選擇你的靈氣老師 U should be very careful in selection of Reiki Teacher, when u decide to learn Reiki. 當你決定要學習靈氣,你應該要非常小心的選擇靈氣老師 Because , Reiki is a spiritual subject. 因為靈氣是一個靈性的主題 Teacher should be, 老師應該是 - Graceful 恩典的 - Positive 正向的 - peaceful 和平的 - sattwik 悅性的 - knowledgable 有知識的 - deep understanding 深入了解的 - open hearted 開放的心 - loving 有愛的 - simple by heart, who can understand and feel your emotions 單純的心,可以理解和感受你的情緒 - teaching in simple way, no complications 簡單的教導方式,沒有困惑 You may ask 2-3 que. to whom u want to select and if u feel satisfactory and of course, u feel vibrations in side, he/ she is your teacher. He/ she can uplift u spiritually. 你可能會問2-3個問題, 其中你想要選擇和如果你覺得滿意和內心感受到同樣的頻率, 他/她是你的老師, 他/她 可以提升你的靈性. Good luck. 祝福你 【From Rupa Majmudar】 Translated by Jane & Cici